Random Sighting Survey Form

Please use this form to record a random sighting of a Barn Owl.  NOTE: for a nest or roost site record please use our Roost or Nest Site Survey Form.  Please fill out the form below then click the Submit button.  Fields marked * are required and all information is of value to us.  For help with identification see our Identification Guide
If you are already registered with us please Logon before you start.

Your sighting

Locate then click...

1. Enter the nearest UK town, village or postcode into the search box
2. Press the Locate button

  • This will move the map to the location you have put in
3. Find the location on the map
  • Zoom in / out with your mouse scroll wheel or the + / - buttons and drag the map to move it
4. Click on the map to mark the exact spot of your sighting
5. Wait 10 seconds for a red marker to appear on the map
  • The grid-reference will also be added in the box below the map
Town / Locality  
Place Name  *
 If place name is unknown, please enter nearest known place name (near ...) or the road number.
Grid-reference  *
Date Last Seen        *  today  yesterday
 If you have noted Barn Owls in this location before, please enter the time period of your sightings
(for example May 2008 to Winter 2012/13)
Time Period
 What have you seen? (please select one)
Note: If you are reporting a Barn Owl roost or nest site please use our Roost or Nest Site Survey Form.
Sighting  *
 If 'other', or found dead/casualty, please give details or circumstances:
 Note. If the bird you found was ringed, it is most important that you also report it here link
 When you saw it were you (please select one)
Your Activity  *
 If 'other', please give details:

Your details

Please enter your details below:
Title Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Dr, etc.
First Name  *
Last Name  *
Email  *
 Once you are satisfied with the information you have provided, please click Submit:

Please verify.
Validation complete :)
Validation failed :(
Note: By submitting records you are confirming your agreement with the statement below:

Data sharing and confidentiality
The exact location of nests and roost sites will not be published. Barn Owl distribution maps for the general public show only shaded 2km squares or larger. Sightings may be passed on to the National Biodiversity Network (NBN), County Bird Recorders/British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and trusted people engaged in Barn Owl conservation at the Barn Owl Trust's discretion.

Your contact details will be held by the Barn Owl Trust on a secure database and will not be passed on to any third party, except in the case of nest/roost sites where there is a clearly identifiable conservation need, then your name, email address and phone number may be passed on to trusted Barn Owl workers. You can read our full Data Protection and Retention Policy at https://www.barnowltrust.org.uk/data-protection-policy/ link